
  • Rising Ocean Freight Costs Impact Global Shipping Industry
    In recent months, the global shipping industry has witnessed a notable uptick in ocean freight rates, marking a significant departure from previous norms. From December 2023’s benchmark of $1500 per 20-foot Full Container Load (FCL), rates have surged to a current range of $7000 to $8000. This unprecedented escalation can MORE >
  • NACD is now officially ACD, the Alliance for Chemical Distribution
    Congratulations to the Alliance for Chemical Distribution (Formerly NACD) on its new name! A.G. Layne is proud to be a part of an organization that champions the chemical distribution experts the world depends on! About ACD Responsible Distribution™ Leaders in the chemical industry have a shared responsibility to ensure wellbeing, MORE >
  • Spring has Sprung!
    Hey there, friends! Spring has sprung, and we’re absolutely buzzing with excitement here at A.G. Layne and Sunland Chemical! We just wanted to take a moment to spread some sunshine and wish our incredible partners, customers, and team members the happiest of springs! Isn’t the weather in Los Angeles just MORE >
  • Happy 2024 Los Angeles and Phoenix!
    As we embark on a new year, we extend warm wishes for a happy and prosperous 2024. As we kick of the new year we want to shine a spotlight on our family owned company A.G. Layne. We are a company committed to environmental protection, employee well-being, customer satisfaction, and MORE >
  • 2023—An Amazing Year for A.G. Layne
    What an amazing year our A.G. Layne, Inc. family has had! This year we: Purchased Sunland Chemical & Research Corporation and integrated them into our team. Started an interstate trucking operation for packaged material Promoted multiple personnel to new exciting positions we have never had before Our workforce grew by MORE >