• Glycol Ether EB

    An organic chemical with surfactant properties. It is also a clear, colorless liquid that smells like pesticide and is miscible in water and organic solvents.

  • Glycol Ether DPnB

    A clear, colorless solvent, with a pungent ether odor that is slightly soluble in water.

  • Glycol Ether DPM Acetate

    A clear, colorless, solvent with a sweet, mild odor. It has excellent solvency and works with a variety of resins.

  • Glycol Ether DPM

    A clear colorless liquid with mild odor that is water soluble. It is also known for its high solvency strength and slow evaporation rate.

  • Glycol Ether DM

    A clear colorless liquid with an aromatic odor that is soluble in water.

  • Glycol Ether DB Acetate

    A clear colorless liquid that is partially soluble in water.